Netflix obsessions

Sunday 15 March 2015

I will be the first to put my hand up and admit that have a Netflix addiction! There are so many great movies and series that I just get too sucked in and I just sometimes spend my whole evening watching it. I suspect that I might not be alone in this; I am definately obsessed. 

Pretty Little Liars is one of my favourite series. When people started talking about it, I wasn't too sure because I heard that it was hard to get into - I didn't have this problem. Right from the first episode I was hooked. I like that it's not just a teenage girly programme as it has a whole element of mystery around it. Who is A? What happened to Alison etc... I'm only on series 3 so no spoilers guys! But basically this series has become my new favourite, I can't wait to catch up on it.

I also really like Gossip Girl. Two years ago I went to New York and I visited the Grand Central Station, at the time I didn't watch the programme but I have been to where Serena Van der Woodson was 'spotted'. I really like the characters in it especially the Humphrey's; I just love their personalities. I have to admit I prefer the old Jenny Humphrey to when she becomes older. Watching Gossip Girl reminds me of when I was in New York, so that brings back good memories and it has a really enjoyable storyline.

I feel like I can't do a Netflix Obsessions post without including the first series I watched from start to end. Make it or Break it was mine and my friend's favourite programme for ages. We used to joke around and say we should work at our gymnastic skills. I remember once seeing it, just as a one time thing, on the Tv but I didn't know when the episodes were on so when I saw that it wad on Netflix, I was very excited. This programme is so addicting and I like watching the gymnastic routines in it.

There are so many films on Netflix so choosing a film to be my favourite is difficult. However, I have to say that I am really happy that 2 of the Hunger Games films are on there. I read all the books and I enjoy the films. Another good film on there is Abduction, I mainly watch this over and over because I love Taylor Launter - guilty - but the storyline is intriguing too. 

What are your favourite series/films on Netflix? Are you addicted like me?


  1. I'm obsessed with Friends at the moment, it's all I think about at work haha I just can't wait to get home and watch it.
    I'm currently sat in a Friends sweater, I think I've taken it a bit too far!

    Hayley -

    1. Yeah, I used to love Friends so much! Haha, oh gosh if they did a Pretty Little Liars sweater I'd wear it everywhere! xox


Sunday 15 March 2015

Netflix obsessions

I will be the first to put my hand up and admit that have a Netflix addiction! There are so many great movies and series that I just get too sucked in and I just sometimes spend my whole evening watching it. I suspect that I might not be alone in this; I am definately obsessed. 

Pretty Little Liars is one of my favourite series. When people started talking about it, I wasn't too sure because I heard that it was hard to get into - I didn't have this problem. Right from the first episode I was hooked. I like that it's not just a teenage girly programme as it has a whole element of mystery around it. Who is A? What happened to Alison etc... I'm only on series 3 so no spoilers guys! But basically this series has become my new favourite, I can't wait to catch up on it.

I also really like Gossip Girl. Two years ago I went to New York and I visited the Grand Central Station, at the time I didn't watch the programme but I have been to where Serena Van der Woodson was 'spotted'. I really like the characters in it especially the Humphrey's; I just love their personalities. I have to admit I prefer the old Jenny Humphrey to when she becomes older. Watching Gossip Girl reminds me of when I was in New York, so that brings back good memories and it has a really enjoyable storyline.

I feel like I can't do a Netflix Obsessions post without including the first series I watched from start to end. Make it or Break it was mine and my friend's favourite programme for ages. We used to joke around and say we should work at our gymnastic skills. I remember once seeing it, just as a one time thing, on the Tv but I didn't know when the episodes were on so when I saw that it wad on Netflix, I was very excited. This programme is so addicting and I like watching the gymnastic routines in it.

There are so many films on Netflix so choosing a film to be my favourite is difficult. However, I have to say that I am really happy that 2 of the Hunger Games films are on there. I read all the books and I enjoy the films. Another good film on there is Abduction, I mainly watch this over and over because I love Taylor Launter - guilty - but the storyline is intriguing too. 

What are your favourite series/films on Netflix? Are you addicted like me?


  1. I'm obsessed with Friends at the moment, it's all I think about at work haha I just can't wait to get home and watch it.
    I'm currently sat in a Friends sweater, I think I've taken it a bit too far!

    Hayley -

    1. Yeah, I used to love Friends so much! Haha, oh gosh if they did a Pretty Little Liars sweater I'd wear it everywhere! xox
